User:NacNud Nentannt

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Orgins[edit | edit source]

Introduction By Anonymous[edit | edit source]

There have been several educated guesses about the orgins of the name "NacNud NenTannt". Many experts have taken serious care in the research and development of NacNud Nentannt. The findings that have come of these studies were recorded and stored for later examination. After years of legal Turmoil, I finally have the chance to share these findings with the world. Unfourtunatly, what I am about to show you, has been deemed "Top Secret", and so, I will probably be killed by the Illuminati. You as well, will most likely be killed by the Illuminati for simply reading this text. In fact, I'm sure at least one person in the room you are standing in (If you are alone, look closely at all suspicious lighting equiptment. This is a favoured disguise) is most likely a member of the Luminadi and now you're dead. Now you're fucking dead <insert name here>. How do you like that?

Were does it come from? Really?[edit | edit source]

Egyptian Hyroglyph for "NacNud"
Egyptian Hyroglyph for "Nentannt"

The symbol for "NacNud" has been traced back to Egyptian Hyroglyphs and has been revealed to mean "Delightful".

The Symbol for "Nentannt" has been Discovered to mean "Sock-Monkey...4". Whether or not these two words have some sort of ancient connection, or are just playfully smooshed together, we will probably never know. The only person known to have the technology to figure these answers out, Oprah, has promised to never share the secrets that will uncover this mystery.

Other Theories[edit | edit source]

Some claim that the name "NacNud Nentannt" is actually an acronym for a real name. Despite the simplicity and total lack of research involved in the study and creation of this theory, this has become a well adopted theory. The cause for the favour of this theory have always been assumed to be linked with the other theory's deep involment with government agencies. Others suggest that many fear for their safety after being threatened by the Kellogs cereal corporation. Please see the Tony the Tiger/Organized Crime trial of 1963 for more information regarding this troubling issue.

NacNud Nentannt, The Fabled Creature (?)[edit | edit source]

What is it?[edit | edit source]

Photograph of the Fabled NacNud Nentannt Creature

Word first spread of The NacNud Nentannt Creature on August 32nd 1972 when a Bizarre image was sent to a small backwoods newspaper in the bible belt of the southern states, known as the "David Gazette". The image was enclosed in an envelope which contained not only the photograph but a short note explaning the image. This not reads as follows:

deer the David gessete,

 I toke this fotograph in teh wooods outside of the poste office.
 This thing was teh running around and saying 
something about "the jews" when I 
skared him. He ran away

Also attached to the letter were two small cards which were adorned with the NacNud and Nentannt symbols. Scribbled in what appeared to be crayon, on the back of the cards, was a small sentance which read "eH drooped thiiese.". The Content was later translated into "He dropped these.". The creature's name was then dirived from the two symbols.

The Address of the "Anonymous" sender was later traced using advanced technology (they guessed) and he was revelealed as being the local blind retard, Peirre. While the source still remains questionable, the creature became an frightening icon to local teens.

A Hoax?[edit | edit source]

The Idea of the NacNud Nentannt creature being a hoax was first brought into the public eye by Sir. Alexander J Flanagin in 1974. Sir. Flanagin was a respected univeristy graduate and professor (Oh ho ho, He graduated and then went back to teach? He did a lot with that degree didn't he?) at the time of his first allegations. It was his theory that the creature was merely an elaborate scheme which would persuade locals into becoming devote christians (most likely Presbyterians).

Proof[edit | edit source]

His idea was based on:

  • The fact that these images were taken in the southern states bible belt (An area of the USA which is chock full of crazy ass christ loving short...president bush's whole family)
  • The fact that the retard claimed the creature was yelling about "the jews"
  • The fact that the creature bares the face of the blanently homosexual, Oscar Wilde.
  • The fact that the suit of fur was entirely black

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

He derived from this information, that a group of white supremisists were trying to scare local teens, jews, blacks and gays into being devote christians. Only one other thing can be assumed from this information...Mr.Green did it in the conservitory with the wrench.