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Furfag types, all furfags. No exceptions.

Furfags, also known as Furries or Yiffers, are a type of subhuman creature known to infest the internet. These creatures are known for bringing the worst ruinination to the internet, including the advent of bronies, the ruin of DeviantART, and the banning of many matyrs who decided to raise their hands and rescur the internet. They are in the same league as Weeaboos, insane fetishists and bronies, with the latter being the same thing as furfags. And they are ready to convert You into one of them, all the time. You have been warned.


Furfags were nonexistent in ancient times, until a man named Walt Disney created his cartoon world about very Happy cartoon animals going on adventures, which seemed normal at first. Children loved these cartoons for unknown reasons, and these soon developed the anthromorphic animal cartoon craze which captivated numerous kids. These kids then grown up and thought; "why we can't mimic our childhood friends as well"? and this was the first furfag fandom. As more and more anthomorphic animals were released as time passes, this seemingly underwhelming threat evolved and evolved until the furfags started taking the fandom as a fetish, and when this happens, they unleash their wrath on the internet and started the conquest of ruin they are attempting right now.

In 2007 the conquest was in it's prime age, as converted people into their ways and are the source of multiple dramas, such as sparkledogs, the great sonic-cide of 2007 and among other insane faggotry they cause. Fortunately, a website known as 4Chan took their hands and weakened the furfag forces, and the faggotry stopped for 3 years.

But that was not all. In 2010, Lauren faust created the show My little pony: Friendship is magic, which was spreaded in 4chan. However, the origin thread was sabotaged by furfags and they used this chance to create a "meme" which is in fact a mass revenge program to the surface world. This has infected numerous former humans and turned then into pony-loving furfags, which would be later known as bronies, which in return is a new breed of furfag.


The imagination
The reality

A fetish. Furfags have no justification about what is fappable and what is not, unlike Us. They will fap to it, as long as it's animal and anthro. Regardless of what they tell you, all furfags yiff or clop regardless of what they tell you. There is no such thing as a furfag not yiffing or clopping and simply enjoying art. They only say that when trying to convert somebody, or a last ditch attempt to shove others away.

Furfags are also one of the greatest sources of drama on the internets. When confronted with the slightest form of criticism, A furfag will think that is a troll and send out legions of other furfags to flame the criticizer until they outright give up. Most of the people written into the hall of shame of the internet, Encyclopedia Dramatica, tend to be furfags, bronies or Weeaboos, and it is not difficult to understand why.

Another reason why people hate furfags is they won't just stay in DeviantART or FurAffinity; They go basically anywhere to express their persecution complex and Sick-fuckerywhich nobody cares. Furfags are in Wikipedia, Pixiv, YouTube, TV Tropes and basically anywhere in the internet. These vile propaganda are the equivalent of saying that getting caught by the police because you fucked your pet dog is persecution. Anybody who even attempted to weave these lies are fucking depraved and insane beyond words.

Life cycle

When the entire internet is conquered, replace all the zombies with furfags.

Since furfags are inable to reproduce normally, they must find a way to spread their disease to others. This process is known as "converting". Usually this is done when a non-furry is a friend with a furry, and the furry will lure him to a furcave, disguising it as an animecon or a sci-fi convention. Once the human arrives, the furfag will drag him to the furcave and rape him with a gigantic animal dildo. Once the process is complete, the unsuspecting human would be infected by furfaggotry and had became a gigantic furfag himself.

But they don't always need to be that blatant. All the furfag has to do is to draw anthromorphic porn or spread propaganda, and any unsuspecting person who has no former knowledge will fap to it and be infected by this faggotry.

Occasionally a fortunate furfag might be able to find true love and have a kid, but they will be training that once-innocent kid to become a depraved subhuman that is no more than a projection of the failure that is a father furfag.

Furfags and the alignment of faggotry

According to the bible of the internet, Furfags are the major soldiers of the alignment of faggotry, along with Bronies and Weeaboos. They will be the soldiers fighting for the true form of faggotry in the final war, and they will strike from DeviantART and occupy youtube, wikipedia and pixiv. All furfags are involved in the war, regardless of identity. They will convert all that is in the internet, until the greater internet saint wipes out the true form of faggotry.

What to do if your friend is a furfag

this guy has the best idea.
  • Avoid contact at all costs. Furfags are highly contangious and they must be avoided at ALL COSTS. Instead, you may want to find a new friend like us.
  • Have a rottweiler let loose and see if he faps to it or runs away. Either way, you win.
  • True men force them to go against their ways. But it's best you don't.
  • Force him to watch anything human, or regular porn. I don't care if it is hentai or real, it MUST be human! excessive exposure to human porn is known to make furfags forcibly explode.
  • Shoot him with a tranquilizer gun. After then, place him in your house and in a cage; now have a whip and a stun gun and you have your own circus animal.

See also