User:Mitchello/Team Scuba

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Early Days
Team Scuba

- Wog Boy
- Montoya
- Chief
- ' Tabasco '
- Nerdman

About TEAM SCUBA[edit | edit source]

Team Scuba is a group that has nothing to do with scubadiving, the ocean or even water. It is not known how the name came into existence, only that it did.

Some say that it was before the annual swimming celebrations that the Village Elders of Camp Barry got together and decided "Hey! were bored out of our nuts! lets do something crazy" and so TEAM SCUBA was born to the sounds of


~ George steheoupolousheyheyehey on the beginning of TEAM SCUBA

Team Scuba consists of Al, Will, Ben, Ian, Mitch and Tom J.

Multicultural SCUBA[edit | edit source]

TEAM SCUBA is made up of members from a plethora of cultural backgrounds. Members can trace their heritage back to countries as diverse as England, Italy, America and Poland.

However they have set their cultural differences aside and together they unashamedly deride the nation of Poland.

Such unity in a multicultural group is an inspiration to societies worldwide.

The SCUBA fashion[edit | edit source]

Over the past few millenia, the chaps at TEAM SCUBA have worn various outfits. their trademarks are obviously the pik hippo outfits, but does it really end there??

THIS JUST IN!!! After a recent trip to turkey, Wogboy will be adding a new article to the team scuba outfit, its large red and has a black tassle thingy, what could it be! find out soon in the next installment of "TEAM SCUBA AND THE CARNIVAL OF RUNNING!"

“What?? There new! they cost me a packet! Do i look Jewish to you??!”

~ Wog boy on The new articles

“TEAM SCUBA often doffs absurdities to any occasion just to be different and add a tad of colour and interest to events that would otherwise be utterly plain”

~ Tabasco on Team Scuba


There are various ways as to which someone can be seen as a current TEAM SCUBA member"

Werid French Hat. Longish hair. Diving at a crazy angle. having crazy brain power. Being a technology guru. Being un-jewish.

The Jewish SCUBA fashion[edit | edit source]

After some time, it has been noticed that Jews are not willing to conform to the Time honoured Traditions of Scuba. It seems that after receiving new headgear, they are unwilling to wear it in public claiming they wish to "keep it pristine" which roughly converts from Hebrew to English as "I'm hiding it away so in 40 years time I can sell it on ebay for 10c"

Joining SCUBA[edit | edit source]

Unfortunately we are not taking any new members at this time; although TEAM SCUBA has been thinking of expanding its membership by being more concerned about women and their issues so long as they're good looking and fit well into a bikini, and look good with a snorkel.

“Its a damn good day to swim...chief! fuck your loud!!”

~ Wog boy on The end of the world

Where have all the jews gone?[edit | edit source]

“Due to behavior by some of our closer friends and a series of unfortunate events, such as unwilling mothers (broomsticks, toto and the Niumbus) we regret that no jews have actually taken part in the Scuba traditions, thus far. team scuba is doing best to allow Jews to join the team. -”

~ Tabasco and Wog Boy on their nimbus 4000