User:Kippy/Mole Mania

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Obviously, not very many "dug" this game, since I had to have a Japanese kid I don't even know email me this image of the box.

Mole Mania was a video game released by Nintendo for the original Gameboy in 1997. Despite being produced by the creator of Super Mario Bros and Donkey Kong, it faced lack-luster sales. Apparently, kids love making a big ape throw barrels at a jumping Italian, but they didn't want to help a mole throw black balls at dinosaurs because the levels were in the form of a puzzles. Oh! But Sadooky, or whatever it's called, sells millions every day, and it's just freaking numbers. Stupid kids.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Grandpa Mole was always there to give advice.

Jinbe starts crying like a little bitch.

As if that Mario "Doo doo doo, da doo, doo, doo" crap is Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

Spin-Off[edit | edit source]

In fact, you probably meant to look that up when you typed "Mole Mania" in the search box. Honest mistake.

See Also[edit | edit source]