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A few images by me. They suck because my photoshop application quite working, dooming me to use Microsoft Paint application.

The Actor
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The Actor.png

A parody of the real thing that was only slightly ripped on January 25, 2010. Successfully capitalized off the news story by nominating it for VFP.

Featured Image: The Actor.png

This person created an image which became one of the Featured Images on Uncyclopedia.

Fergie Pee
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Fergie Pee.jpg

I added this images of Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas. I found it somewhere, then I edited it a bit for Uncylopedia. Note: I didn't edit in the pee stain. That's real.

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This comes from two seperate images made by Maddox. Technically, I did ask his permission to use them, I just didn't wait for him to reply. Oh well, he still gets credit.

I offered the idea to Little Jimmy as he was going to rewrite Maddox. He changed it to this:


Jewish Clay Aiken
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Jewish Clay Aiken symbol.PNG

For UnTunes:Claydel. It's so freaking beautiful.

Charlie Sheen
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Santa Sheen.png

For my article UnNews:Charlie Sheen arrested for assaulting the fat kid from Two and a Half Men. You see, in reality he was arrested on Christmas Day for beating his wife.

Charity Cow
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Chick-fil-A cow charity.png

For UnNews:Salvation Army and Chick-fil-A team up for "Feed the Hungry; Screw the Gays" campaign

Mr. Winkler
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Winkler Time.png

For UnNews:Time magazine names Person of the Year for 2007. Notice it's Henry Winkler, not Francis Winkler.

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For HowTo:Survive A Premature Burial. Tombstone curtesy of Speech bubble made through Windows Paint. I made up "Jacob Winston" off the top of my head, don't sue me.

Fox News on ACORN
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Acorn cross.png

For UnNews:ACORN dies; believed to have resurrected.

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While working on my article about American Idol contestant Sanjaya Malakar, I used many photos of him, his hair, and his shit-eating grin. The article has since been deleted, since it was crap. As was Sanjaya.