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Harry Gibson is a top-class genetic engineering and biotechnology researcher. Due to illegal experimentation on kidnapped patients and immoral experiments, he has disappeared. It is believed that he is currently hiding in an underwater settlement in the atlantic and that he is still working on his creations. It is said that he has developed a performance enhancement drug that allows him to lift heavy objects and that gives him higher metabolism than the strongest and the fastest athletes. The sources of this claim are unknown and myth about the settlement are unconfirmed. It is believed that he snatches patients from boats and planes using technology developed by himself which explains why so many planes and ships are lost around bermuda. Harry is currently wanted for crimes against humanity, mass murder and abduction, immoral acts and downloading songs illegally off the internet. That adds up to the death sentence. He was last seen a year ago at a dvd rental store renting BACK DOOR SLUTS 9. The video was returned a week later by a man in a dark suit. The tape was covered in a sticky white solution and the bio-warfare division of the military were called to retrieve and analyze the mystery substance. It was then declared safe 3 hours later. The solution turned out to be body fluids.