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Frankston, land of caravan parks, moccasins, spray-on faberges and 14 year old single mothers was founded by some arsehole named Frank who stopped to take a crap on the beach after realising his wife, who was also his horse had shat itself and died as a result of the.. While most people who knew Frank described him as 'a cunt of a bloke', it's believed he was given naming rights because Frankston is universally recognised as 'a cunt of a place'. Not without it charms, Frankston boasts the highest number of teen pregnancies in a country where young girls see a penis between the legs as an indispensable fashion accessory. While this may seem detrimental to the goal of creating a utopian society where one can safely walk down the street without fear of having to gaze upon unpleasant looking people, it must be noted that for teenagers to fall pregnant, someone got to screw a teenager and as everybody knows, shagging little teeny sluts is what life is all about.