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All my life I've been told I am funny. All my life I've been told I'm a good writer. All my life I've been asked not to use contractions. So here I am.

I stumbled here when I was doing a web search on Tiny Tim. I was certain that he had once made an apperance on WWF television. And instead of clicking on Wikipedia, I clicked on Uncyclopedia. I read the page and thought, "well, that was pretty stupid and unfunny. I can do better than that."

From the little bit I have written so far, it seems that my humor is not going to be in the vein of the wacky and abusrd (see Richard Nixon) or just plain dumb (see Tina Turner, which I plan on re-writing to fit in with my continuity, and because the entry as it exists is flat-out stupid.) My humor is dry, almost clinical, taking factual tidbits from the real world and stretching them to extreme alternate realities in the Uncyclopedia world.

I'll make a case that I believe in continuity, even for a fictional encyclopedia. Though I would have loved for the city of Cleveland to be destroyed in my Tiny Tim post, I saw that Cleveland has already been appropriated for another purpose. So I switched my city of ruin to Dayton. Someday, I plan on writing an article about how Dayton is the city where condoms were invented.

I value input, and feel that while many of us are good writers with great ideas, collaboration can make a good story into a great one. So feel free to offer advice or suggestions or ask to work together on something.

That's all for now. Good night.