User:Glassesboy/British Policemen

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“The police are my best friends, they keep me in this cozy room after I've had a couple of pints.”

~ Oscar Wilde on prison cells

“Why can't I be in charge of the cool aliens for once, teachers suck.”

~ Ed Balls on policemen

“Remember,I want to see Police brutality, and plenty of it.”

~ Gene Hunt on how the general public should be treated.
What is really kept under that hat?

British Policemen are probably one of the most recognized symbols of Britishness (and brutishness) in the world, mainly because of their stupid hats. But what's really behind that smart black uniform is a conspiracy created by the British home office and Ministry of defense to use hundreds of aliens as workers. These aliens like nothing more than beating up the general public especially at events like the G20 summit where they get a little over excited, Bless them. Of course the enslavement of thousands of aliens is illegal. The government also uses aliens in many other organizations like: BNP, the British Army and of course teachers.

Cone heads[edit | edit source]

Cone heads are an alien race who now fill most of the policeman posts in the neopolitan police. They can be identified by their large cone shaped helmets. Cone heads are one of the 3 alien races currently employed by our omniscient and benevolent labour party government under Fuhrer Gordan MacBrown the Glass eyed. Of course, because of their status as illegal immigrants the Cone heads get access to all the good jobs; best council houses (or should that be council mansions?) and are all suspected terrorists. The BNP of course wants to eradicate all of the 'foreigners' as

Off duty police officers...I knew it, they're aliens!

they call them, and no doubt, if BNP get in power, we will be seeing thousands of be-coned aliens slaughtered in concentration camps. Cone heads are a peaceful race by nature who all seem to have a strong cockney accent characterized by their greeting: 'Allo, allo, allo, what 'ave we 'ere den.'. But because of their overly psychic minds Cone heads explode into bestial fury when they come into contact with a large crowd of peaceful protesters. This is thought to be caused by the Cone heads watching to many episodes of 'Ashes to Ashes' and 'Life on Mars'.

Gestapo[edit | edit source]

Merciless and remorseless killers who terrorized the Jews in Germany during the second

The CIA[edit | edit source]

Human police officers[edit | edit source]

It is a well known fact that due to the psychic waves created by the cone heads, human policeman become immortal. This immortality comes with a price though, every time the police officer is killed or put in a coma they inexplicably turn up in the 1980s just in time to meet D.I. Gene Hunt. As you know, D.I. Gene Hunt is the most annoying and harshest of all human police officers ever. This is because he is actually a hybrid human-Gestapo cross. He can be identified by his long brown coat and his amazingly cool Audi quattro.

Teachers[edit | edit source]