User:Fishalishalish/Why?:Rep14ce 13tt3r5 Wi7h Numb3r5

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Hey, office dudes and dudettes.

It's me again, Jared. You know, that cool intern who's always hanging around the break room, chatting up the boss's hot niece every time she's around? Yeah, that's who.

Well, starting today, I've decided to teach you a old lame-o's couple of ways that you can be more like me, from the way you dress, to the way you act, to, yes, of course your writing habits. Let's start with the way you write emails.

If you're like me (and you're probably not), everyday I check my email and get some lame-ass tl;dr rant about me not filing some invoices properly, or leaving the coffee pot on overnight or whatever, and I'm just staring at this dumbass-sized block of text with no numbers in it, and I think to myself: you guys expect me to read this shiz? I'm just like, smh, if you guys only knew. If you only knew the advantages of talking like a modern guy like me, sticking numbers where letters or words should be, then you'd do it all the time.

So what are these advantages, exactly? Well, I did a little thinking, some research, and instead of finishing my work today, I came up with a few reasons why you should replace letters with numbers in any and all of your future emails or otherwise text-based communications.

Check it out, ya dig?

Why to[edit | edit source]

Appea1 2 da y0u7h5[edit | edit source]

First off, lemme just say that it's not only me. Youth is one of the main markets for our corporation and as a member of the youth, let me just say that using regular speech in any form is totally not rad[1]

54v3 5p4c3 wh3n u r typing lots of shi7[edit | edit source]

When texting your project updates to that rad boss of yours, . Millions of cents

U can replace words 2[edit | edit source]

Us3 ur 5p3c141 c0de 2 b 53cr37 n 57uff[edit | edit source]

Why not to[edit | edit source]

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Footnotes[edit | edit source]

  1. Hell, I can barely contaim nyself typing this shiz