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Fearlessleader101[edit | edit source]

Note this does not concern current Uncyclopedia user Fearlessleader101 but Charles Pedro Madonna Xavier Norris Vote For, a major historical figure in the WTFII timeline.

Often regarded as the most awesome and supreme being in the known universe, Fearlessleader101 is credited not only with having kicked Superman's ass (twice) and having slept with the entire cast and crew of Lord of the Rings, but also with inventing the website colloquially known as Uncyclopedia (around the same time as having slept with the entire cast and crew of Mad Max: The Road Warrior).

Among his many achievements are getting off to a bad start with Uncyclopedia authorities (see Quasars) despite being the sole proprietor of Uncyclopedia and consequently owning every registered user's soul (like they were using it anyway!) He is also known for being insatiably witty and it is speculated that he is the love-child of Oscar Wilde, White Dwarf, the DMV and Hugh Jackman, (having not been eligible for the sexiest man alive competition as he is clearly a Greek god.)

Early Years

Fearlessleader101 (aka Charles dontmessthefuckwithme Xavier) was born in Arizona, Uzbekistan, on June 31st, 2055 WTHC to a series of illegitimate fathers and Madonna. He attended St. Suisyola in Spokane (otherwise known as Seattle's pedophile testing ground) Washington (the who-the-hell-gives-a-damn state) until the age of 52, at which point his mother (then Amazonian-temptress Susane Boyle) enrolled him in Agaznog Prep (kinda like college but without any real meaning). there he excelled, leaving the United States of Asskicking behind on his quest for living off other people for the next nine years until he was drafted into the UNSR ONI SECTION 0 SPARTAN II PROGRAM. There he spent his days -pwning noobs and trying to get laid with a computer- defending the glory of humanity against the cooky-cutter empire. He never did get why every 12 - 38 year old North American male called him the Master Chef and not by his real name of Ferrari Pedro Norris 117.

Later accomplishments

After his years of -pwning noobs and trying to get laid with a computer- owning n00bs and getting laid with a computer Michael Douglas Adams Ferrari-Pedro Xavier Norris Charles Madonna relocated to upstate New York to establish his identity as porn-king Fearlessleader101 on his newly invented website Wikipedia. Sadly Wikipedia authorites later informed him that his past edits to existing pages had been labeled offensive to every conceivable ethicity (and Hispanics) and removed him as Wiki-Overlord on March -1st, 1901. This is widely regarded as the date that Wikipedia's involvement in the porn and drug industry skyrocketed, as Fearlessleader101's conservative tendencies could not sate their extreme sexual fantasies (which often involved the fundamentalist, right-wing Republican Oscar Wilde) with not regard for the spread of accurate, not contradictory and helpful information. Thus Fearlessleader101, in his zealous crusade to aid middleschoolers with English and Mathematics and Iran with its lack of organized religion, created the website Uncyclopeida, his eighth-greatest accomplishment next to learing how to tie his shoes. Uncyclopedia has since fulfilled its mission to the general public of striving to better humanity through the application of accurate information and seriousness.