User:Dr. McMonster

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McMonster Brothers[edit | edit source]

The McMonster Brothers are a group of four comedy actors (who I might say aren't the best actors, but are funny because of it). They started to form this idiotic idea sometime in July (maybe, I don't know) maybe. Then somehow, that one multiplied into eventually 3 others. And then all 4 of them became what is known to little people as the McMonster Brothers.

Well, Who's in this Wonderful Group?[edit | edit source]

Well, I'll tell ya! Here are the 4 guys and some short bios.

  • Mr. McMonster
    • He was the first creature-like creature. He was spawned out of an egg which was hard-boiled. The shell was thrown into a dumpster. After he was born, he enjoyed hanging around the bar, but not going in. Even though he looked friendly, he wasn't. The local drunks scared him because they reminded him of his mom, who was an eagle.
  • Dr. McMonster
    • Dr. McMonster was born from a mysterious egg-shell found in a dumpster. He then got out of that dumpster, and went into Star Wars. But he didn't like that. So he eventually found Mr. McMonster and they started to make a wide variety of stupid/funny videos.
  • Jr. McMonster
    • Jr. McMonster was not really born. Well, actually he was born, but not as a creature. He was what you call a homosexual homosapian, or for you stupid people out there, a human. He then was captured by the McMonster Brothers, and forced to make videos with them, or they would kill him. He agreed, until one day, he fell into a deep sleep. No one is sure how it happened, so Mr. McMonster punched him while Dr. McMonster held him down, which was unnecessary. He then immediatly woke up with dental problems and his eyes had rotted out. So the McMonster Brothers (Mr. McMonster and Dr. McMonster) adopted him as one of their own.
  • Ar. McMonster
    • Armalite was also a human when first born. But nobody knew that. Mr. McMonster gave him plastic surgery to look weird, and he didn't mind at first. But then people called him ugly, so he wanted new surgery. Mr. McMonster tried surgery again, but accidently reversed the effects of the first surgery, so he made Armalite look human again, which is said to have been even uglier. So Dr. McMonster did surgery on Armalite, and he looked better (if you think horrible uglyness is better).

Why The McMonster Brothers Do What They Do[edit | edit source]

Because they can! And if you have a problem with that then you can go suck a fat one.

Why The Creators Made The McMonster Brothers[edit | edit source]

Because they were bored of nothing to do on weekends! That's why! And because it's funny! And if you don't like that then you can suck their

Who Are The Actors?[edit | edit source]

Mr. McMonster=Michael Martin--- Dr. McMonster=Joseph Ahrens--- Jr. McMonster=TJ Elvington--- Ar. McMonster=John Hudson---

Where Can I Watch These Histarical/Stupid Creatures?[edit | edit source]

Easy! The Youtube Website Use this link. Or don't. We don't give a shit about what you do. It will make us feel better about ourselves if you do. But still. Yes.

Upcoming Movie[edit | edit source]

The McMonster Brothers are creating a movie around the summer time, it will be out on their youtube page and most likely on metacafe. It will also be made into dvd's. This movie is about the McMonster Brothers searching for a lost treasure with clues.