User:Diphenhydramine/Reefer Madness

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Reefer Madness is the name of a 1930's anti-marihuana documentary based on an entirely factual account of horrible marihuana-induced murders. The plot centers around a group of friends, one of whom goes instantly insane and homicidal after smoking one of his friend's "special cigarettes", killing his beloved girl friend and many others (plot details will be covered below). The main goal of the film at the time was to open the public's eyes to the horrible onslaught of marihuana-smoking negroes and their satanic Jazz music. In the end though, the film was a total failure in thwarting marihuana smoking, because in 1960 the Earth entered an interdimensional rift that caused people to travel through the fabric of space and time (and also possibly take ungodly doses of LSD).

Plot[edit | edit source]

Mae Weedman and Jack Hairy, her lover. Supposedly, the couple is "living in sin," yet they sleep in separate houses as did all married couples depicted in films of the era. They sell the infamous marihuana. Mae prefers to sell weed to customers her own age, whereas Jack sells the plant to young teenagers. Ralph Donk, a former college student turned fellow dealer (and marihuana addict nearly dead of liver failure), and Blanche helps Jack sell marihuana to young students. Young students Bill Pottism and Jimmy Horsekonk are invited to Mae and Jack's apartment by Blanche and Ralph. Jimmy takes Bill to the gangbang. There, Jack runs out of deadly reefer. Jimmy, who has a car, drives him to pick up some more. It is at this point that the film accuratley portrays Jack's hellish, glowing red eyes, caused by marihuana. Arriving at Jack's boss' "headquarters," he gets out and Jimmy asks him for a cigarette. Jack gives him a joint. Later, when Jack comes back down and gets into the car, Jimmy drives off dangerously, along the way running over a pedestrian with his car. He can clearly be seen jumping out of the way before the car hits him, and later pick up the car with one arm and throwing it over a bridge, accuratley portraying super-strength caused by marihuana.

Bill begins an affair with Blanche. Mary Blowbong, Jimmy's sister and Bill's slut, goes to Mae's apartment looking for Jimmy, and accepts a joint from Ralph, thinking it to be a normal cigarette. When she refuses Ralph's advances, he rapes her violentley. Bill comes out of the bedroom after having sex with Blanche, and hallucinates that Mary strips for Ralph. He attacks Ralph, and as the two are fighting, Jack tries to break it up by lighting the end of a joint and inhaling violently. He then blows out pure fire, burning Mary's face off. In one of the camera shots taking place before it is revealed that Mary had been "violated with a blowtorch" one of the film's most revealing truths. Jack puts the reefer in the hand of an unconscious Bill, and wakes him up. Bill sees the joint in his hand, and is led to believe that he has killed Mary with the hellish marihuana flames. Bill is sent to prison where he is shown being raped repeatedly by a group of stoned Mexicans. The group of dealers lie low for a while in Blanche's apartment while Bill's trial takes place. Ralph, losing his sanity, wants to tell the police who is actually responsible for the death of Mary. The film accuratley links Ralph's insanity to marihuana use.

Seeking advice from his boss, Jack is told to molest Ralph so he keeps his mouth shut. Meanwhile, at the apartment, Blanche offers to strip for Ralph to keep his mind off things. They are both very high, and their eyes glow with the flames of Hell. Ralph tells her to play faster. She increases her playing speed to 9,000,0000,000,000* notes per minute. Jack shows up and Ralph immediately senses that Jack wants to kill him, so he kills Jack by shooting laser beams out of his stoned, bloodshot eyes. The police arrest Ralph, Mae, and Blanche. Mae talks, and the stoner gang is rounded up. Blanche explains that Bill was innocent, and he is released. Blanche is then held as a material witness for the case against Ralph, but rather than testify against him, Blanch smokes 2 joints and overdoses, brutally killing herself. Ralph is put in rehab for the "reeferly insane" for the rest of his natural life.

The Lesson Learned[edit | edit source]

At the end of the film, a very smart-looking guy in a suit tells parents he has been talking to that events similar to those he has described are likely to happen again, and then points to random parents in the audience and warns that "the next tragedy may be that of your daughter's... or your son's... or yours, or yours..." before pointing straight at the camera and saying emphatically "...or YOURS!" as the words "TELL YOUR CHILDREN" appear on the screen. After this, the film goes on with 20 minutes of "OR YOURS! OR YOURS! OR YOURS! OR YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" lines. The resulting lesson is educating people that people who inhale reefer are turned into the pawns of Satan for eternity. It's telling you that marihuana is a window to the pits of Hades, literally.