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The word ackybash (pronounced: AAH-KEE-BHASH) is a term derived from the ancient Mongol tribe (AD 105, or something) and is often used in circumstances such as when in pain, pleasure, in need of the toilet and various other emotions. In extremely rare cases, ackybash is used as a noun, as in the small town of Ackybash in southern Uzbekistan and is the middle name of well-respected actor Thomas Ackybash Tankengine. It is thought that camels speak in 'Ackybash' whilst mating, but data is at present inconclusive as translated into english, it sounds like an old walrus gargling.


Uses of ackybash

'ACKYBASH!' - Man on stubbing his toe. 'That orange is pure ackybash' - Typical teenager referring to the orangeness of an orange. 'Thank you all, God bless Ackybash' - Former President of unAmerica, George Dubya Bush getting his words wrong... again. 'ACKYBASH!' - Man foolishly stubbing the same toe.

Ackybash occurring in the modern language under 'mysterious' disguises

In 2004, President George Dubya Bush sends troops to the Middle East under the name of 'Operation Iraqybash'. When dropped, an egg tends to 'Crackybash' If punched by a blind kangaroo, you are known as to have been 'Whackybashed' The small island nation of 'Spackybash' is currently awaiting conformation of participating in the London 2012 Paralympic Games. In the animal kingdom, ducks tend to go 'Quackybash' ...and there is a species of cow known as the Yakybash. Sheep go 'Ackybah'. Barackybash Obama was inaugurated as the President of unAmerica in January 2009.

Ackybash and Connexions Brian

Really no need for this section whatsoever...