User:Chokkan slayerXD

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This page is a piece of crap. The author(s) acknowledge this.

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Yeah, hi.

This is Chokkan SlayerXD. But please don't call me that. . .call me Vampy Chan. Chances are I won't respond to being called Chokkan SlayerXD, mainly due to the fact that I will probably end up forgetting that it's my username and then get confused(which tends to happen quite often).
Normally, and in most circumstances, I act and Type like a complete n00b. For example;
like ZOMG HI!!!! -waves-
Im vampy chan! nice to meet yew :3
i like stuff.... >.>
stuff ish gewd XD

And, well, I can basically carry on like that for a while. But, i will contain myself, and keep my n00bness to a minimum(unless i reaaalllllyyyy have to act like a n00b.)

In a world of her own...[edit | edit source]

As the title suggests, Vampy chan lives in a world all her own.

A world that is very much like some messed up Anime, with man-eating mutant rabbits, cannibal Gerbabbles, an army of mutant Dust bunnies, and many other miscreations.
The current human population in Vampy Chan's world stands at 24.
These so called humans, are a bunch wannabe Naruto Characters, each with their own strange habits and personalities. Each person has their own specific role in causing chaos and bringing the world of Naruto to an age of retardedness (in other words ruining Kishi sensei's life work.)
This is a list of the population in planet Vampy Chan;

  • Kemi Uzumaki
  • Kinai Uchiha
  • Toshio Uchiha
  • Ailita Uchiha
  • Kanon Uchiha
  • Taiyouko Takada
  • Sayuri Haruno
  • Harusuke Chiba
  • Kiku Harada
  • Minoru Kawabe
  • Hideki Takei
  • Aki Hirata
  • Akane Haruno
  • Ringo Uchiha
  • Haruka Uchiha
  • Megumi Uchiha
  • Hitomi Uzumaki
  • Hikaru Uzumaki
  • Kiseki Uzumaki
  • Hanako Hyuuga
  • Obito Hatake
  • Kiyoshi Nara
  • Ryu Hiroshi
  • Ginnosuke Nakamura

As can be plainly seen, Vampy Chan's main goal, was to completly ruin the Uchiha Massacre, by creating a bunch of characters who miraculously survived and eventually all came back to bite Sasuke in the ass. And kick Itachi in the nuts for being a selfish bastard.
The main creators of chaos are the first three characters on the list.
Together they create a team of psycho dictators who carry weapons of mass destruction and boss the other characters around. They're kinda like army drill sergents...only considerably worse.

Kemi Uzumaki[edit | edit source]

The most violent and power hungry of the three, is the evil twin sister of Naruto Uzumaki. She is a spoiled brat, who must have everything she wants, when she wants it, and no one will have peace until she gets her way.
When she was just three years old she was taken away by that walking pimp machine Orochimaru, and her mind has been warped ever since. So much in fact, that she now referes to Orochimaru as Daddy, or Otou-Chan. She also holds a candle to her fellow team-mate Kinai Uchiha, from whom she developed her potencey for being a violent, 'nut kicking' little thug.
Kemi has a number of bishies she keeps locked in her basement. These Bishies have been collected from many other anime, and serve the purpose of being used and abused in every way possible.
So far the Bishies in Kemi's basement are;

  • Kyo Sohma
  • Sasuke Uchiha
  • Sai
  • Aka Suna No Sasori
  • Deidara
  • Ichigo Kurosaki (not so sure whether he counts as a bishie, but he's in her basement anyway)
  • Haru Sohma
  • Kakeru Manabe
  • Ayame Sohme
  • Hatori Sohma
  • Shigure Sohma

Kinai Uchiha[edit | edit source]

He's even more violent than Kemi, and he makes it a point to collect weapons of mass destruction, that he can have at his disposal. When provoked (normally by Naruto) he whips out one of his many deadly weapons, and unleashes them mercilessly on his very unlucky victim.
If, by any chance you find yourself in Kinai's line of fire, the only means of escape is to throw a dog at him. Due to his canine phobia, the sight of a dog sends him running, screaming like a little Japanese school girl.
Kinai is the cousin of Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha. After the Uchiha massacre, Kinai was taken away by Orochimaru, who proceeded to use Kinai as his prime 'experiment'. Just what kinds of experiments were performed on this poor 12 year old boy are still unknown, but he came out a complete and utter nutcase...and gay(probably due to high exposure of being molested and/or raped by Orochimaru).
Hinata Hyuuga has become one of Kinai' dedicated followers(not using the term follower loosley...she actually follows him everywhere)and has dedicated her life to adoring and worshipping him in every way humanely possible. She even went as far as becoming a violent Yankee Thug, just to get his attention, which unfortuanltly resulted in her developing a Haru Sohma style split personality.
Kinai's older brother is Kanon Uchiha, who sadly disowned Kinai when he found out about his homosexuality. Kinai, who at that point was too messed up to really care, got over it, and continued to live his life, forcing just about every male anime character to live in fear of him. >:]

Toshio Uchiha[edit | edit source]

Probably the most sane out of this twisted and inhumane three man cell. Toshio likes sweets, bunnies, happiness and joy. He is known as being the most annoying character ever created on planet Vampy chan, and as a result, most of the other inhabitants hate him. Just like Kemi and Kinai, Toshio was taken away by Orochimaru, however, he was not affected mentally by this unfortunate time in his life, nor did he become one of Oreo's dedicated followers. Instead, he continued to be an annoying Momiji Sohma style moron, who always manages to ruin everything simpley by entering the vicinity.
Toshio was not originally a member of the Uchiha clan. He was born into a vampire clan, to Taiyouko Takada, and eventually, after a number of hijinks had ensued, ended up the legally adopted son of Itachi Uchiha. As a result, Toshio's idiotic state of mind, is all blamed on Itachi, who is forced to take full responsibitily of everything Toshio does. And that includes the time Toshio mamaged to set the whole of Konohagakure on fire using a twig and an elastic band.(it is still, to this very day, unknown how he managed it.)
Toshio adores and worships both Kemi and Kinai, and aspires to be like them in as many ways possible. Unfortuanalty, because he is so ridiculously stupid, Toshio only manages to cause his two teammates nothing but trouble, and always manages to get in their way, provoking lots bloody violnece. None of this violence is ever directed at Toshio however, because Toshio is just too damn huggable.

Stuff[edit | edit source]

As has already been established earlier in this article, Vampy Chan likes stuff.
Stuff that Vampy Chan likes inculdes Smilies. Here's a list of all Vampy Chan's favorite Smilies. (That makes three lists! have you nothing better to do than makes lists!!??)

  • :D
  • >:D
  • :3
  • >:3
  • :]
  • >:]
  • XD
  • X3
  • ^^
  • ^^U
  • -_-
  • =.=
  • ¬_¬
  • >.>
  • <.<
  • ><
  • @_@
  • o.e
  • O.O
  • :o
  • :P
  • XP
  • :s
  • :x
  • ._.
  • o.<

Other Stuff that Vampy Chan likes are;

  • Poking
  • staring into space
  • procrastiniating
  • being a general annoyance
  • spazzing
  • yaoi
  • writing retarded fanfiction
  • being a n00b on myspace
  • chewing gum
  • drawing
  • writing pointless crap about herself and her stuff in the hope that other people may read and be interested
  • Yaoi
  • Eating oroes
  • yaoi
  • complaning about the shambolic quality of dubbed anime
  • yaoi
  • yaoi
  • yaoi
  • yaoi
  • yaoi
  • yaoi
  • staring into hallogen lamps
  • typing on other people's keyboards when they're trying to work
  • opening and closing the disk drives on other people's computer when they're trying to work
  • spraying aerosols into her bedroom for excessive amounts of time
  • wasting cotton wool by using face cleanser at least twice a day, when she doesn't actually need to
  • talking lyk a n00b all teh time to annoy ppl adn yewsing lots :O an XD lots :] of ^^ smilies >.> <.< :o XD :3 :D >:D XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

And so we come to the end[edit | edit source]

Well, thats about all i am bothered to write about myself, so for now i bid you adieu.
I will now go on to writing articles, on whatever strange thoughts process in my mind. I hope I was funny and not stupid, to be honest I can't really tell the difference, because all stupid things make me laugh. ._.

--Vampy Chan 21:13, 12 December 2007 (UTC)