User:Cajek/Barack Obama (Commemorative Plate)

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Barrack Obama the Commemorative Plate was born in 47 AB. Until then, the only way to enjoy food was on a plastic replica of the Barrack Obama commemorative plate, usually without even the accompanying face of the incoming President. The Commemorative Plate, "Historic Victory", was made to commemorate the presidency of Barrack Obama... NOT Gerald Ford, okay Gerald Ford???.

ONLY 60 FIRING DAYS![edit | edit source]

The Picard plate pales in comparison to the presidential palate for plate-ular products of a plate-ular nature. PPpPppPPppppp look: I'm tired. I can't be bothered with this crap right now.

The Barrack Obama Commemorative Plate is to the Chosen one himself as the square is to the cube; As the double necked guitar is to Jesus Christ playing a double necked guitar; As the hammer is to the gavel; As the Milky Way is to the universe playing a double necked guitar. Although the Barack Obama Commemorative Plate is not Mr. Hope and Change Himself, it can easily serve as his duplicate at weddings, funerals, or wedding funerals.

In a pinch, the Barrack Obama Commemorative Plate can double as president in case we aren't worthy. Presidential order 78910 can enact a plate takeover in case the American public is not up to Mr. Obama's standards when he takes office.

The plate, similar to the Ring of Power, has many mystical properties, mostly due to the fact that it bears the image of the most popular president ever devised. Along with speaking English, the plate is also literate in constitutional law and can have sex with either gender up to an adequate degree of love making according to the American Plate Institute of Love Making (APILM).