User:Buffalo elf

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Teh Buffalo elf!!one[edit | edit source]

Goddamn, leet is annoying. Hi. I'm Reno F. Yes. That's my real name. Not the 'eff' part. That's short for my last name. But the Reno, yeah. I was named after the city. Not the TV show. I don't think you're allowed to be named after a TV show that started coming on when you were already a grown man. Then again, I could be wrong.

Articles that have felt the hoof-hand of the Buffalo Elf[edit | edit source]

Mind flayers is about it. I've dabbled in Wikis before under IP Addresses, but I figured I'd go ahead and make a profile.

How to contact me[edit | edit source]

If you just wanna say hi, or your edit sucks, then contact me at