User:Asshole mcgee

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this nigga asshole mcgee right was shitted out on dec 4th 76 by lil wayne so he was destined to be a suck dick rapper but anyways instead of getting into the rap game he got into the dick game doing cheap ass gay porn films for money and shit. so anyways this nigga was like jadakiss doint that aha thing bagging mad chicks and junk. so then this dude asshole mcgee said fuck this lil wayne nigga and put a burner to his chest pulled trigger and said u tell anyone and im a bone ur girl so lil wayne then said he had shot himself like the dumb nigga he is. end of story niggas my dude mcgee over here do anybodys girl and if u try to fucks wit em he'll turn u into his bitch like lil wayne and that gay partner of his birdmans or some shits.