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Absent Stars[edit | edit source]

Year of the Rabbit album cover. Rabbits are awesome.

It's a song by Year of the Rabbit, I have stolen it for use in names because it sounds profound. Also because you cant blame me if I disapear for long periods of time because it's imbeded right in the name.

I'm writing this because I'm tried of my name apear red. I dont have anything to actually say here, but I guess I'm obsessive compulsive to the point that I will atempt to write about nothing until the red name goes away. While this will likely do nothing to abate the voices, at least the name should be done away with.

Rabbits[edit | edit source]

One instance of Rabbits being awesome.

Morally and intellectually superior to humans in ever way, I believe we should offer our fuzzy masters a greater level of respect than we as a species have shown so far. While not as high on the Hierarchy as say, the Battle pelican, it's still a step above us (along with the Dolphins and the White Mice).

Articles I've Done/Assisted/Broken[edit | edit source]

Stuff I'll probably Do/Assist/Break[edit | edit source]