UnScripts:Garfield and Friends

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Garfield and Friends is a show on CBS and NBC that lasted from 1988 to 2005. The reason why it went on 2 different networks was Becuase Jim Davis got kicked out of CBS in 1997, and he went to NBC to continue the show.

Why did Jim Davis get kicked out of CBS?[edit | edit source]

I don’t know, but anyways.

Characters[edit | edit source]

  • Garfield - He’s fat and he’s Lazy.
  • Odie - Dog
  • Jon - H-

Why did Jim Davis get kicked out of CBS?[edit | edit source]

Could you please stop asking that question? It’s getting annoying.

Could you actually tell us why?[edit | edit source]

I said I don’t know! I’m just the unfortunate soul who had to make this Article, could you leave me alone?

No.[edit | edit source]

Fine, I’ll try to research it later.

Production[edit | edit source]

Garfield and Friends was originally known as Garfield urinates on Odie: The 35-episode show. This however di-

Why did Odie get urinated on by Garfield?[edit | edit source]

Look, j-just don’t question it, alright? If no one questions it, then everything will be okay and this article will get past the ICU.

What’s the ICU?[edit | edit source]

Your pissing me off.

Reception[edit | edit source]

Garfield and friends was just like any other series. It got popular and decreased in popularity. However it still existed quite heavily in Internet culture, where it’s still used to this day as an example on stuff that’s actually funny.

Now can you research on why Jim Da-[edit | edit source]

We are done.