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UnNews:Japanese celebrate 65th aniversary of Pearl Harbor

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7 December 2006

Some random ship, having a bonfire.

HAWAII,USA -- Nearly 500 aging survivors will gather in Hawaii Thursday to mark the 65th anniversary of the surprise attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor by Japanese fighter planes.

The survivors, who have not yet contracted Alzheimer’s, of the December 7, 1941 attack have reunited at Pearl Harbor every five years since the 25th anniversary in 1966.

But organizers of this year's event say this will probably be the last of its kind with growing domination of US by Japan. "I don't know whether it'll be politically correct the next time we gather," said one organizer.

Historians are gathered at this year's reunion to collect written and oral histories of the attack from the survivors, which will be part of a new 50-million-dollar museum and visitor centre.

One survivor said, "I was in bed with one of the cooks when those Japs attacked. We were right in middle of the intercourse. It was terribly impolite for the Japs to attack then you know. I'd always thought that the japs were really polite people."

More than 23,00 American servicemen were killed in the daring aerial attack, which nearly crippled the U.S. Pacific fleet. However, it was a minor convience as then-President Franklin Roosevelt rounded up Japanese immigrants and sent them to concentration camps to build more ships.

Hearing of the attack, President Roosevelt commented, "Awright suckas. Let's whoop them day will always live in infamy."

The attack spurred US's official entry to World War II against Germany, Italy, Japan, and the ideology of communism.
