I Write Sins Not Tragedies

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Oh-woah. Well imagine as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor and I can't help but to hear, no I can't help but to hear a rattling in the walls. What in the blazes am I hearing? Mice having sex? Is this an earthquake? I, myself, better go check out what is causing this annoying shake. Plus, a wedding is scheduled. Who wants to hold a wedding with constant shaking? No one, that's right.

So I go to the wall, right? And I knock on the wall. Seems harmless, right? WRONG. The wall knocked on me harder. There seemed to be something in there, and it was mad; thirsty for destruction. Of course, what kind of dumbass would let this situation go? If you said to yourself "I would'", then just stop reading and just go delete system32.

I know, I know. What kind of sinner would penetrate the church's body? Who would destroy the wall of a church? I would. So I took my sledgehammer and slammed that shit. That wall broke like a baby in the arms of a child killer. Whatever was in that wall, or whoever was (possibly Satan?) in that wall didn't wish to be seen. Especially after bugging the pursuer.

But finally, that pest came out into the light, and showed itself. This thing wasn't just any creature, in fact the whole idea that what I stumbled upon actually was doing actions of its own was mind boggling; it defied all laws, theories and scientific studies ever done by mankind in all ways possible. Some might call what I stumbled upon "the Devil's playtoy", or maybe even "satanic". One could go as far as saying it is "playing God" or "imitating thy almighty father" and that "I will get smited for this little incident". But you wanna know what I have to say to that?


In fact, how would they like to be sentenced to death in my little notebook here? Here, my friends, is the Notebook in which I write names in and they become damned and do evil things and/or kill themselves or die somehow preferably by murder as witnessed in one of the ways seen in Final Destination and/or Saw with the gruesome level multiplied by exactly 100 times!

Watch and see[edit | edit source]


Uncle Billy

Ryan Seacrest


Sarah Palin

Justin Bieber

Darth Vader


All of my teachers I had in high school

The guy who invented math

Jeff Bridges

<insert name here>

And now[edit | edit source]