Forum:Convert To The Democratic Party Now Or Die!!!!!

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Forums: Index > BHOP > Convert To The Democratic Party Now Or Die!!!!!
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5622 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.
"Democrats like ME more!"
"No, Democrats like ME more!"
"Republicans like ME more, so fuck you both."
Because you know you fucking want to. * Flumpa Quotes.PNG [05:24] Jun 4, 2008

There's a point at which creating forum topics gets admins to look at you funny. And not in the "haha" way. The other way. The way that makes everybody who has been banned lately quietly duck out of the room.   Le Cejak <5:34, 04 Jun 2008>

Well, given that I look at everyone funny, that's not much of an accomplishment. Also, will there be music at this party? How about drinks? —Hinoa talk.kun 05:34, 5 June 2008 (UTC)