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What is WET[edit | edit source]

A Waboba Zag ball, used in WET games. Official games use the colour orange, but in amateur leagues, other colours or even other types of balls are used.

WET is a fun pastime invented by schoolchildren in Christchurch, New Zealand. It involves, endurance, strength, trickery, and good catching and throwing skills. It involves a trampoline and a WET ball (see panel to the right). a Waboba Zag ball is not required to play, but it is recommended by WET experts and some professional players. Waboba balls are so popular that nearly every other company that produced WET balls stopped making them because people only wanted Waboba.

How to play WET[edit | edit source]

WET is played with two or more players, on a trampoline, with a WET ball.

Instructions[edit | edit source]

  • All players stand in a circle on the trampoline
  • One player starts with the ball in their hands (this player can be chosen using any fair method in which all players have an even chance of winning)
  • The player with the ball starts the game by throwing the ball to any other player and then bouncing on their bottom onto the trampoline.
  • The player who is thrown the ball must catch the ball and then throw it to another player and bounce.
  • This continues until a player misses a catch, does a bad throw (the referee decides what counts as 'bad') or breaks the rules in any way. This player then receives the letter 'W'
  • For a second mistake players receive the letter 'E', and the letter 'T' for a third error
  • When a player receives the letter 'T', their letters spell out the word 'WET' and they are out of the game
  • The last player left in the game wins.

Correct bouncing form[edit | edit source]

To bounce correctly you must start by jumping into the air. Then, once you start to fall downwards, you throw the ball to another player. Then you land on your butt and bounce back up into a standing position. If you throw the ball after bouncing, or do not bounce at all you are given a letter. You also receive a letter if you fail to bounce back into a standing position.