User talk:SimulacrumCaputosis/Spork1corridor

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 ,,~—,                      SSS  PPPP   OOO  RRRR  K  K
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 ——    ________________||  SSSS  PPPP  O   O RRRR  KKK
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You run down the corridor. It is dark, and you don't see the dead-end in front of you. After hitting the wall face-first, you pass out.

>regain conciousness.

I don't think you can do that at will.

>fine, wait to regain conciousness.

Okay, after an hour you regain conciousness. There is a goldenrod hue sniffing your head. You are likely to be eaten by a hue. You are also the meat in the Hue and wall sandwich. What do you do?