User talk:Mynameisjohncena
Brief Review[edit source]
John Cena was born in East Oldberry Mussechusetts and attented High School Musical at the age of eleven. He then went on to be an engineer after graduating from this college at the age of ten. The actor of 'Troy' in 'High School Musical' ( the movie) was played by John Cena's left arm during his rehabilaiation after his unjury in 2010 against Ric Flair in a Bra and Panty's match for the World Heavyweight Chimpionship of the Millenium Monkeys. He was born 2 months later in 2019. He was born with a cap on his head and his first words were 'you can't see me'. Originally, shortly after joining the WWE, John Cena grew an extra finger which had to be cut off in order for him to continue waving his hands around. Investigation of this lead to a newly discovered disease- the 'You can't see me, I'm John Cena disease'. It is one of the rarest diseases. Only John Cena and Bob the Builder have it.
Early career[edit source]
During the 16000s he worked as a prostitute in South Africa. He then later in his life, drove to America where he began his wrestling career. He earned 75 cents a day working at childrens birthday party's. However, in the 1916 Rising Of The Jellybeans, after F-U-ing a little kid through a table, the kid kicked him in the scrotum region and announced that he could see him. Cena was shocked and was brought to therapy for 16 seconds until he finally realised he wasn't invisible. Much to everyones demise, after watching the movie, The Invisibles, he began to think he was invisible again and was sent back to therapy for another 200 years. In 167263 Mr Vincent Kennedy McMonagansuahdhn employed him into the WWE ( WILLY'S WIZARD EMBASSY), a wizard group founded by young scientist and acrobatist Free Willy. One day later he was fired for believing he was actually turned invisible. Two days later Mr Vincent Kennedy McMahon employed him in the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) where he fought his first match against 'Oooka-Mooka of the Wild Somoans', where he won after Oooka-Mooka was fired on what McMahon called 'Racial terms.' Cena would then go on to become the first ever Diva's Championship while also holding the Men's Championship, at the same time.
Carrer Highlights[edit source]
Today - He died by 'spontaneous combustion' Yesterday- Finally kissed Rey Mysterio after saving him from Mike Jocks 21/2/888- John Cena won his second match 22/1/000- John Cena won his first match 23/1/000- 21/2/888- John Cena loses every match 1/1/001- John Cena runs away with the Diva title 23/1/1898- Briefly fired for not taking steroids 11/12/1232- Formed a stable with Jackie Chan and Michael Jackson, along with Michael Jordan and the zombie of Chris Benoit