User talk:Matthew Carroll

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Matthew Carroll Matthew Carroll.jpg
Date of Birth: 29 May 1992
Place of Birth: Sydney, Australia
Years alive: 1992 - Present
Residence: Mackay, Queensland, Australia
AKA: Veranda Man
Ethnic background: Italian, Thai
Current School: Mercy College
Age: 14
MSN Address:
Quote: "Pants"

In The Beginning...[edit source]

Matthew does not remember any of his life below six years old but was told that he moved to Mackay when he was five (I believe there was pancakes involved). Key moments in Matthew's early childhood include, colouring a duck blue on the first day of grade one, almost being kept back in grade 2 and playing with plastic cubes in grade 3 (I made a couch).

Matthew was enrolled in a day care in Brisbane at age four, while staying with his relatives. Matthew continued to go to this day care until he moved to Mackay when he was five. It was here that Matthew lived with his Aunt Sheryl and enrolled at Fitzgerald preschool. Halfway through completing preschool, Matthew moved with his mother to the infamous Palm Island. It was at Palm Island Primary School that Mattew completed Preschool. Shortly after finishing Preschool, Matthew moved back to Mackay where he was enerolled at St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School.

While the school's resources may have been limited and to put it frankly, it was kind of poor, Matthew had an enjoyable time nonetheless. During his second year at St. Joseph's, there was an incident where, while Matthew was marking another students book, he drew the student in question depicted dead. Matthew did not no why he did this as he was neutral towards this student because he didn't know him that well (It is important to note that the student, Bradley Nicol, is suspected of taking twenty dollars out of Matthew's wallet while he went in the Fun Factory at the Mackay Show last year),(It is perhaps more important to note that the picture of the other student was a stick man not some elaborately drawn gruesome picture you might of been thinking of) When asked why he drew this picture Matthew stated that Satan made him do it. While at St. Joseph's Matthew applied himself in sports such as athletics, basketball and football.

Mercy College[edit source]

Matthew began to attend Mercy College in 2005 and is currently in Year 9. At the end of Year 7 at St. Joseph's, Matthew was trying to decide whether to go to Mercy College or Holy Spirit College. After debating countless times which high school to attend, Matthew's mother interrupted him during a conversation and told him he was going to Mercy College. Matthew tried to get his mother to change her mind but she wanted him to go the same high school she attended. Matthew had a very good reasons for not going to Mercy such as:

• It is very far from Matthew's home, and because of this he waits at school for long periods of time

• Many gay people were going to Mercy

• Not many people from Matthew's primary school were going there, and finally and also most importantly,

• Mercy College is GAY

Mercy College's crapness became slowly apparent to Matthew, and he soon realised the school's methods were inefficient and crap. Mercy College's saving grace is that as soon as you complete Year 10, you never have to go back there and you are able to attend Mercy College's complete opposite, St Patrick's College. Matthew is looking forward to St Pat's even moreso now after a school trip there.

Trivia[edit source]

•Matthew plays bass guitar and writes his own songs, some times these songs are about girls, other times are about hawks or snowboarding.

•Matthew has never been snowboarding.

•Matthew is an agnostic

•Matthew hates channel Ten's new show David Tench Tonight.

•David Tench scares Matthew and he has had nightmares about him.

•Matthew severely dislikes haircuts.

•Matthew has recently discovered his farts sound like a duck quacking when in the shower. (yes you did need to know that)