User talk:IndianSteve

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Indian Steve[edit source]

Indian Steve is the internet phenomenon of the 2010 era, the video consists of "Indian Steve" walking forwards, then returning back to his origin. This video was then remixed using the bangala 9mm sound system, this helped to create the unique sound that became a hit in the region of India and Asia.


"Indian Remix of 2010" - djmag

Original Steve

The featured "Steve" was a stand in for the original cast member only known as "Mr. R" he was however still awaiting clearance for his Driving License which had took a record year to arrive. The DVLA stated the error as a true miscreant and that they would be taking action against the suspected staff members.

Origins of Steve

The Steve is a power that can be found instilled in any man, however such displays are rarely seen and often take days to produce.
