Minor Arcana

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Queen of Chalices Nurse

Queen of Chalices
Woman ~ Female ~ Mother ~ Priestess ~ Dame ~ Knower ~ Lady ~ Empress ~ Valiant

Motherhood | Virgin | Maturity | Wife | Stork | El Chalupa | Contentment | Learning New Ways of the Heart | Ada Lovelace | Chrysanthemum / Fall


Recollection Partner
Phrenology:  Saturday / Accumulate
Other Influence:  Prudence
Numerology:  62 / 74
order phrenology oracle loteria
34 / 35 56 / 67 37 / 17 48


Jean Dodal Tarot cups Queen.jpg



Minchiate card deck - Florence - 1860-1890 - Cups - 13 - Queen.jpg


 heart.png  Suit of Chalices

Major Arcana
The information presented here is the result of over twenty years of personal research – it is otherwise unpublished and not copied from the internet. Please do not duplicate this information without my consent. Thank you.