User:Your Moms Moms Mom

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Hello, scruffy English types. Is that your King Arthur who's afraid of a duck-you-know? No we don't have the Holy Grrrrrrail, now go away or i shall taunt you a second time! No! You empty headed animal food troph wiper! I blow my nose at you, you silly English, ka-Niiiiiiiighits!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of ELDERBERRIES!!!!!

Give us the Grail, or we shall take this castle by force!!

Ever heard of a C-Section? Really? I haven't..

Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! You a splode! You a splode you English type!

Would you like some spam? Here have some spam! SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM!! Great spam at! spspspspspspspspspspspaaaam!!

Some call me......... Tim.

What does he do? Nibble your bum?

hey, guess what, just like the rest of the world, i know your mom..

alright, this is getting too outrageous. i refuse to go on any further.

i killed Oscar Wilde so no more Oscar Wilde quotes dammit!!

you are all n00bs!!

The Black Knight always triumphs!!

shit off! You are going to be wasted!

Alright, go on then, come on, go away, vamoose. You have three seconds before i set Gary Numan on you. One.. Two.. umm.. Three! Alright then you prancing tit, have it your way!

You get nothing! You lose! Good day sir!

I LOVE PENIS!!!!![edit | edit source]