You Have Two Mutant Cows Of Doom/untitled zork

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Come visit Nondescript Room of Nondescript Size today!

Here in beautiful Nondescript Room of Nondescript Size we have the largest pile of grues in the world. And also more grues! So book a tour right now, and don't forget your Uncyc VISA card...the only card that pays in laughs!
Paid for by the Committee to Pimp Nondescript Room of Nondescript Size.

This page sucks because it is still under construction.

The author will finish it later. Or maybe not. You know, they're kinda lazy lately. Go away!

 Untitled Zork Score: 0 Moves: 0

C:\> Run "Untitled Zork"_


> read title
You are in a moist Zork option.

> look
You are in a nondescript room of nondescript size. Exits are to the north, south, and west. Oh, and there's a Grue over there in the corner. There is also a gun labeled "zorkgun71", on a option.