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Stop crap.png
This page is a piece of crap. The author acknowledges this fact.
Why you don't mess with this guy.

After figuring out what my name actually says, you may either want to shoot me or eat pie to celebrate your evidently average reading abilities. Either way, tough luck. Give the pie to the Admins, they will have much more fun with it.

How the hell did you end up here?[edit | edit source]

If you found this page, well done! If it's just me again, get out. If you are an admin, please do not joke ban me, as the previous clause will encourage you to do it. Why shouldn't you do it?

  1. This place is a piece of crap
  2. I have pie.
  3. Yoshi will kill you.

If this is a grue, I should probably get off the page.