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Johnathan (Imagine Dragon singer)[edit | edit source]

An artists interpretation of Johnathan[1] singing

Johnathan was a singer in the band Imagine Dragon.[2] He passed away on XX XX XX (thats XX XX XX in other date formats) after a skirmish with the Bofa[3] virus. He had an underlying condition of Ligma[4] and battled Sugoma[4] in the prior year. It is believed that Johnathan's wife Candice[5] passed the disease onto him, as she grappled with it a month prior. Johnathan had passed down the Bofa virus to friend Jo[6]who fortunately survived.

Background[edit | edit source]

Career[edit | edit source]

Johnathan had singlehandedly made 2 CDs,[4] however they were yet but parodies[7] of other songs, especially by artists Phil[3] and Phillip[8]. Johnathan was the one who proposed the idea of a collaboration with Sia[9], however Rubdy[10] actually enacted the idea. Johnathan fortunately did not pass the Bofa virus onto the fellow band members, as he left the band for recovery when symptoms developed.

Culture[edit | edit source]

Johnathan was succondese[4], and commonly practiced sacan[3] tradition. He always proclaimed he was being stalked and attacked by Goblins.[3] He came from Northsoutheastwestern Norway,[11] and believed in the Norwegian variant of the Fandy[12] superstition.

Hobbies[edit | edit source]

His hobbies included Kenyaball[13] and cooking. Stun seed[14] pudding[15] was coined by him. He was also a (poggers) gamer, mainly speedrunning Sea of Thieves[5] and Minecraft, beating Dream, Nightmare, Daydream and Daymare in the same day.

Past careers[edit | edit source]

He has previously worked in the E10[3] and B10[16] vaccination facilities, however this work is widely disputed as malpractice. In his earlier years, he received an apprenticeship in Holden[3] facilities which he declined to pursue his career in medicine, and later, music. Before even his engineer days, he worked a day job at Wendy's.[17]

Opinions[edit | edit source]

Johnathan was an avid fan of the Expos[3] and loathed, utterly despised and loathed the Yankees[18]. He was a far-up political activist and supported Heidi[19] Fitzgerald's actions in parliament. Chef Boyardee[20] was upholded by Johnathan, as his protests against the culling of Slaw Bunnies[4] introduced him to the like-minded chef.

  1. fit deez nuts in his mouth
  2. deez nuts on your face
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 deez nuts
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 nuts
  5. 5.0 5.1 nuts fit in your mouth
  6. mama
  7. nuts in your mouth
  8. on deez nuts
  9. buncha deez nuts
  10. z nuts
  11. deez nuts are gonna fit in your mouth
  12. z nuts; they're hot
  13. s fit in ya mouth
  14. stun seed backwards
  15. deez nuts in your mouth
  16. up deez nuts
  17. nuts are everywhere
  18. yank deez nuts
  19. z nuts in your mouth
  20. z nuts tasty