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Convo (phonetics /'konvou/) is a genre within the art of conversation. While conversation is something done by educated people, politicians, peace advocates, fair play ambassadors, John F. Kennedy, Dalai Lama, Pope Benedict 16, Bono, and the guy from Coldplay; convo is usually performed by motherfuckers, assholes, bitches, suckers, fuckers, Young Jeezy, Stan Marsh, Wayne Gretzky, Celine Dion, hotboy75, and foxychick88.

History[edit | edit source]

Convo was invented in 1775 by George Washington. After speaking with Captain Smith, of the British Army, Washington concluded: "Fuck that, dude, that was some fucked up convo". This started the War of Independence, which the US finally won 6-4 6-4 2-6 2-6 14-12 (final set tiebreaks were not allowed at that time). Washington later reflected on this historical moment in his memoirs: "Fuck man, that was some close shit xdxd lol".

Convo was then brought to Europe together with the great plague in 1805 by those fat ugly rats, which lived on the ships. The first recorded convo on European soil was between Rat#74773 and Rat#88701: - "Squeak". -"Squeek, squeek" - which translates as "Come on, let's go and fuck up the sanitary conditions here".

After this incident, convos became very common in Europe, most notably in -

Mozart: "Hey, let's go eat some bratwurst".

Beethoven: "Huh?????"

- Austria, 1837

Working class: "Croissant, baguette ! Boom boom bang bang !"

Capitalists: "Oh lala, omg, wtf"

- French commune, Paris, 1871

Hitler: "Rechts fahren, rechts fahren. Wir gehen nach Poland !"

Polish guys: "Uh-oh, now we're fucked".

- Germany, 1939

Paul: "Michael, we're not gonna fight about this, OK?"

Michael: "I think I told you, I'm a lover, not a fighter".

- London - Los Angeles, long distance phone call, 1982

Convos today[edit | edit source]

Since 1989, ordinary people are allowed to have convos. When having a convo, it is highly recommended to use rubber gloves, for security reasons. Millions of people are having convos every day. In fact, they are probably having convos right now. Amazing.

You know you're having a convo, if[edit | edit source]

- if you use any of the following: lol, xd, omg, wtf, rofl, roflmao, Bryan Adams.

- if the word 'fuck' appears as more than one part of speach

- if you take out the words 'fuck' and 'shit' from the sentence, it doesn't make sense

- if you say 'please, put the shit into the shit', and the other person actually understands you

- if you are talking to a girl, and flowers are involved

- if it starts with 'sup?', or 'zup?'

- if it finishes with 'byez', 'seeya', or 'fuck you'

- if you are speaking with George W. Bush, or Sarah Palin

- if you are talking to anyone, while receiving a massage with coconut cream, and chocolate sauce