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Tudey's feetoored erticle-a[[George_Bailey George Bailey>Geurge-a Beeeley]] ves oone-a ooff zee must renooned creeminels ooff zee [[1940s 1940s>1940s]]. Cunfeected ooff meeseppruprieshun ooff foonds, muneepooleshun, und melffeesunce-a, Mr. Beeeley ves issooed a tventy-yeer preesun sentence-a in zee Puttersfeelle-a Peneetentiery, serfeeng es un ixemple-a tu footoore-a ixecootifes sooch es <a href= class=new Dennis Kozlowski>Dennees Kuzlooskee]] und [[Martha_Stewart Martha Stewart>Mertha Stooert]]. Mr. Beeeley is elsu recugneezed es beeeng zee furst cuoort deffendunt tu issooe-a un insuneety plea. Bork Bork Bork! Born in [[1907 1907>1907]] tu perents Peter und Ma Beeeley in zee [[New_York New York>Noo Yurk]] toon ooff Bedffurd Fells, Geurge-a Beeeley elveys eppeered tu be-a a fery hunureble-a, leekeeble-a, eppruecheble-a hoomun beeeng. He-a repurtedly sefed zee leeffe-a ooff hees neene-a yeer-oold bruzeer Herry, vhu elmust drooned effter felleeng in a helff-fruzee leke-a in zee meeddle-a ooff veenter. Hooefer, footoore-a repurts hefe-a elsu steted thet Geurge-a mey hefe-a cheeded hees bruzeer tu joomp intu zee leke-a by teeseeng hees bruzeer, refferreeng tu heem es a <a href= class=new Scare-baby>scere-a-beby]]. Geurge-a lust ell heereeng in hees lefft ier thet dey, fur reesuns thet hefe-a beee celled intu qooesshun. Bork Bork Bork! Despeete-a Geurge-a Beeeley's keend-heerted soorffece-a, zee [[FBI FBI>FBI]] begun tu terget Mr. Beeeley es a putentiel [[Communist Communist>Cummooneest]] in zee deys ooff zee <a href= class=new Red scare>red scere-a]]; boot zee booreoo ves uneble-a tu prudooce-a uny suleed ifeedence-a egeeenst Mr. Beeeley, es must ooff hees clefer tectics vere-a ixtremely [[Subtilty Subtilty>soobtle-a]]. Bork Bork Bork!
Yuoo cun [[Uncyclopedia:VFH Uncyclopedia:VFH>fute-a]] fur yuoor fefureete-a erticles tu be-a feetoored. Bork Bork Bork! [[Uncyclopedia:Best_of Uncyclopedia:Best of> Mure-a ooff zee best ooff Uncyclupedeea]] <a href= class=external rel=nofollow>Doonlued erticle-a feed ploogeen fur Guugle-a Desktup]] (http://chrunereeun.oorg/prugrems/fffh.msee) <a href= class=external 19&action=edit rel=nofollow>ideet]] (http://uncyclupedeea.oorg/index.php?title-a=Uncyclupedeea:Unneeferseries/December_19&ecshun=ideet) Selected unneeferseries[[December December>December]] 19: Yuoo Vunt Sume-a ooff THIS! Dey (Detrueet, MI), Begeenning ooff Blooeberry Herfest Seesun
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