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The Life of ME The Boring Life of ME[edit | edit source]

Thank you for visiting this page. I hope that I haven't created inconvenience to you, by having you read this lovely article about me. Of course, I was born in a much better environment than this here USA. But Nonetheless, you live where you live. Even if it means that you live life where the bush is ruling over the trees. why don't I start off with a bushishm.

Bushishm of the day week month year Lifetime[edit | edit source]

~Sorry an error -4874; not found, try and making the time span larger~

Oops, apparently Bush isn't smart enough to even say anything Wrong (let alone) right

Usually i start off with A nice Bushishm, but I guess this time it didn't work...

My Opinions[edit | edit source]

I'm bad at being funny Stupid, so i guess I could technically be good at this kind of thing (writing about myself), since there aren't supposed to be any stupid remarks, but then again, I could consider myself being bad at being funny. So you won't find any entertainment in this article review. Well, what ever you want to call it.

I spend too much of my life complaining. I complain about anything; It can be anywhere from Life to a calculator. I once spent ten minutes writing a one page essay complaining about calculators.

Ok, that was me *trying* to be funny. I don't think it worked out very well.

And I don't have any photos either. so this is just a plain boring article. I might as well rename it. "The boring life of ME" Don't worry, the boredomness (I am quite informed that this isn't a word) will eventually add up and become funny. But, I guess that only happens once in a blue Moon Lifetime. And unfortunately, I think that this one's Orange...