User:Ultimategotbackflip/Rugby with Landmines and Barbed Wire

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This sport is pretty much the land based equivilant of Water Polo...with Sharks! It was invented at the Somme, (no too soon, too soon), by Irish soldiers who decided to spice up their boring minesweeping duties. They played Rugby 7's at the beginning but eventually they found some Canadian soldiers who were willing (not stupid)to play with them, and they played the first Rugby Union 15-aside match at 6:00 am on 15th December 1917. While the British were going over the top, the Irish and Canadians blew themselves to smithereens until there were 3 men left on the Irish side and 5 left on the Canadian side with the score at only 3-0. In the closing minutes of the game the Canadians pulled of the "Newfooondland shuffle" allowing them to sneakily pop the ball in the back door (a sporting term, Canadians are obviously not GAY). The final score was 5-3 to the Canadians, and was the first of many historic matches.

The most recent use of the game was its use at the present in training Iraqi insurgents to avoid landmines and barbed wire while crossing from Iran, (who have absolutely nothing to do with Nuclear Weapons or Terrorism), and use pitches to train themselves which is why they are so good at it (not becuase the Americans are awful at being soldiers and actually winning wars.)

Recent archaeological evidence suggests that the game may be older than originally thought: in China, a square field with craters in it (no not a missle training ground/communist moonlanding training site/nor real life "wack a mole") has been found dating back to 15th Century.

Furthermore, Chuck Norris and Jesus are the only people to have never lost a game of Rugby with landmines.

Types of Barbed Wire/Landmines Used[edit | edit source]