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 Winner! Score: - Moves: -

> Win game

*** You have won ***

Congratulations! You have won Grueslayer!

> What? Really?

Yes, you have won the grand prize: your very own grue!

> Slay grue

Unfortunately, as part of the terms and conditions of this competition, you must forfeit all your weapons while receiving the prize.

> But I don't want the prize! Can I have my weapons back please?

Sure, just collect them from the security grue over there.

> Oh, crap.

You haven't really won, anyway. This is all a set-up. Did you seriously think you could win the game that easily? Maybe next time you won't cheat, and you'll play the game properly.

*** The Grueslayer has been slain! ***

Would you like to automagically reanimate, go back in time to fix all of this, or quit altogether? (type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):