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 Abandoned Mansion Score: 235 Moves: 118

> Laugh with Ronald

You try to chortle and guffaw with the happy clown named Ronald MacDonald, but when you open your mouth to laugh, he suffocates you with one of his 'Choking Hazard' Happy Meal bags.

You should never trust those clowns.

*** Y0u, 7h3 m16h7y 6ru35|4y3r, h4v3 d13d ***

W0u|d y0u |1k3 70 r3574r7, r3570r3 4 54v3d 64m3, 0r qu17 7h15 535510n 0f 6ru35|4y3r? (7yp3 R3574R7, R3570R3, 0r QU17):