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Noranian Base
Score: 235
Moves: 125
> Run like Hell
You run like Hell, and manage to get across the floor before it electrifies. You are then awarded the Noranian Medal for the Hundred-Yard dash.
> Who gave me the medal?
The Noranians, of course.
> I thought I killed them all!
Yeah, well, this is their reserve corps, responding to the intruder alarm.
> So...they gave me a medal?!
Sure, right before they stabbed you to death and took it back.
- *** Y0u, 7h3 m16h7y 6ru35|4y3r, h4v3 d13d ***
W0u|d y0u |1k3 70 r3574r7, r3570r3 4 54v3d 64m3, 0r qu17 7h15 535510n 0f 6ru35|4y3r? (7yp3 R3574R7, R3570R3, 0r QU17):