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 Norania Score: arrggghh Moves: arrggh

> Pwess all da pwetty buttons. Yay!

Yippee! All da buttons are so pwetty! Lotsa colours! Pwessy pwessy pwessy! Yay! Dat one make da lights flash! Yay! Dat one used to make da door open! Yay! Dat one make da plane set on fire! Yay! Dat one make the engines blow up! Yay! You is burning to death wif a broked neck!

*** Y0u, 7h3 m16h7y 6ru35|4y3r, h4v3 d13d ***

W0u|d y0u |1k3 70 r3574r7, r3570r3 4 54v3d 64m3, 0r qu17 7h15 535510n 0f 6ru35|4y3r? (7yp3 R3574R7, R3570R3, 0r QU17):