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 Room 705 Score: 140 Moves: 83

> Sneak into the teenage daughter's room and put on a Britney Spears record at full volume.

Creative. Quietly making your way into the teenage daughter's room, which is wallpapered with a sickening pink and stinks of perfume, you pick a random Britney Spears record, put it in the CD player, crank up the volume, and press play.

The awful, awful music echoes through the room. The Grues, upon hearing it, are sickened to the point that they vomit up their intestines (and the bottom half of the mother) and die agonizingly. That's totally plausible.

The father shakes your hand and gives you a bottle of fine whiskey. The teenage daughter leaps on you and full on tongue-kisses you. You gain 500 XP for completing this side-quest, though that doesn't help you much as this isn't actually a side quest and this game doesn't use XP.

The family then starts to mourn the dead mother. Sensitive bloke that you are, you decide to leave. After pinching the father's bulging wallet, of course.

> Of course. Can I PLEASE go confront Bryce for real now?

Whatever. Before you left, the father warned you that all the elevators had been disabled by Bryce's Grues.