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 Bryce's Moor Score: dead Moves: dead

> Flee into the bathroom

You point to a random spot behind Bryce.

> Hey, Bryce, look! It's Benson reincarnated! And he's pissed off that you haven't been preaching about how he ended democracy in a small third world country because he was better than it!

Huh. He actually fell for that. While he's looking behind him, you flee in pants-wetting fear into the bathroom. The one which contains the jacuzzi and the heated pool.

Didn't your momma ever teach you not to run near a pool? You slip on the wet tile, land head first, and bits of your skull fly here and there. You ruined a nice hotel room that you could never afford, you git.

*** You, the mighty Grueslayer, have won ***

> What? I won?!

Oops, sorry, my mistake. Got the wrong banner... ah, here we go:

*** You, the mighty Grueslayer, have died ***

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