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 Martins Hotel restaurant Score: eat Moves: eat

> Order the steak

You order the steak. Shortly afterwards, it arrives; it's sizzling, juicy, and smells absolutely mouth watering.

> Eat yummy steak

You pick up the steak and bring it toward your lips...and, to your dismayed surprise, you find you can't put it in your mouth! No matter how hard you try, it won't go closer than five inches away from your mouth. You try again and again, to no avail...and the delicious smell of the steak is driving you slowly insane.

Eventually, unable to eat the steak that is tormenting you with its delicious smell, you pass out from hunger-never to wake again, as your rump serves as part of the next steak served there.

> What gives?!!

You're wearing a gas mask, aren't you? Of course you can't put anything in your mouth.

> Oh for fu...

*** Good night, Grueslayer ***

Would you like to sneak out of your bed, whine, or sleep? (type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):