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 Hotel Uncyclopedia Score: 0 Moves: 0

> Talk to boy

The boy says "Do you have any Big Wed gum?"

> What for?

"Because i've always wanted some Big Wed gum." he replies.

> I don't have any on me, sorry. I know a person who keeps a whole MOUNTAIN of gum, though.

"Oh boy! Where?"

> I think the person lives near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

"O.K. Thanks, mister!"

The boy runs off to tell his mom about the enlightening conversation he just had with you. A Grue eats him before he even takes a step. He eats you too.

> aw man

*** You, the mighty Grueslayer, have won ***

> What? I won?!

Oops, sorry, my mistake. Got the wrong banner... ah, here we go:

*** You, the mighty Grueslayer, have died ***

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