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Amanda Tirk is a very interesting individual. A firm believer in FSM, a shitty writer, and TS addict, she is an abnormal focus of today's society.

She constantly complains of stupid aches and pains that no one gives two shits about, and babbles uselessly for the most part.

She has reached a new degree of Narcissism, and admits it openly. She has very few friends apart from the #Zone'rs. She also lives off of RAmen and pink lemonade.

Born to a c-RRacK addict and an incarcirated prick, she wholy believes that she is an alien from the planet Love-tron and has no Earth-bound roots.

She also likes to speak in third person, go on sugar binges, and steal/elope with other peoples scarves.

But beware. shi w1ll pwn j00 lolololitapr0n1!1!1!!!!11!1!one