
Honey - is a thick, yellow, sweet substance that is made by bees and makes humans go crazy over it, making them believe it is "beneficial to help", contains millions of vitamins and minerals.
Production of Honey[edit | edit source]
Honey is made by honey bees. Honey bees fly over to flowers to suck up nectar into its stomach. Once the bee reaches the beehive it excretes the nectar to be eaten by another worker bee. The Worker bee chews the nectar for about half an hour and then swallows it. The enzymes in the bees stomach then break down the nectar. The bee then excretes the honey into a hexagonal comb where the honey is left to evaporate the water off, making the honey more concentrated and then is sealed off by wax So, basically honey is made when bees eat nectar, shit it out to be then eaten by another bee and to be shited out again, which means that honey is basicly concentrated beeshite. Will you put so much of it on your pancakes in the morning now?
Honey's possible psychedelic tendencies[edit | edit source]
Honey has been know to make bees what humans would describe as "crazy" as many bees have been known to attack humans who smell of honey, which has be compared to drug addicts and mafias stealing and attacking people who posses drugs and also bees make honey until they die of exhaustion, which can been compared to drug addicts doing whatever they can possibly do to get drugs. It has also been noticed how eating large doses of honey can cause insomnia and extreme hyperactivnes.
Honey Harvesting[edit | edit source]
Would you steal carrots from a cute, little bunny?
Honey Harvesting[edit | edit source]
Would you steal carrots from a cute, little bunny?