User:TheOtherOne/Wikipedia Film Project

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Act I

Narrator: (Huff dollar bill) We were once actual encyclopaedia writers, but the establishment kicked us out.

(Scene changes to an office)

Boss: You have been printing material you got from people on the Internet? Idiot! We can't sell this! Its under the creative commons!

Narrator: I was that man. When my boss fired me, I thought it was the end of the world for me. I lost my house, my car, my precious huffing cat, and a

grue field book.

Act II

1st Homeless Man: Ughuch! Ther mud is too smelly tonight fer my likes.

2nd Homeless Man: Naw, smells liked my grannies house. Fond memories.

Narrator: I used to be a writer for an Encyclopaedia.

1st Homeless Man: Huhaha. You was that? I was a rail road worker b'got tired of the bums. Heh!

2nd Homeless Man: She liked them too.

Narrator: You bums are too smart to be enjoying the sewage type mud. Why not become British and move to the UK. It'd be a new life. Dirty Ted, your name could be Tedward Dirton, and you Baggy Ben, you will become Benifer Bagget. Two proper English names indeed. You'd fit right in.

2nd Homeless Man: Oh, can I be ther skinny smart 'wun and he be the big fool-grunter.

Narrator: Sure!

Act II

(In London in a back alley, drinking on the pavement)

1st Homeless Man: Curse this English trash. In der States, they garbage make out of fake food. It'd don't spoil. If I smell dat more fish and chips, I barf. It real cod fish and tates and get old faster dan a joke on Un....Urp.

2nd Homeless Man: Urp, the mud is too wat. Hrrrruhur, Urp.