User:Supreme ruler general lord Blarkobixia Haysmanson Jorgerbith II the swift
Hello, as you can see from my name I am a very powerful man. My name may be Supreme Ruler General Lord Blarkobixia Haysmanson Jogerbith II the swift but you can call me blark, Blarko, your majesty, your highness, Mr. J, or sir. I will explain every part of my long name. First, I am the supreme ruler of the xargorath dimension. Don't worry I'm no interdimensional alien, I'm a human like you even if me and my people live in an alternate dimension. I am also the general of my army. Blarkobixia Haysmonson Jorgerbith is just the name my old man gave me. Finally, I was given the title of "the swift" after the war of concordiritax where I ran at full speed and killed warlord John Gayman Garthurix. Well that sums up my whole name. When I am not fighting in the war and training soldiers, I play golf and football.