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Episode scratchpad[edit | edit source]

S1[edit | edit source]

Landing Plan
Widget is fired by Omnisoft after her presentation in Redland goes awry, and what's worse, the police attempts to catch her for unknown reasons. She flees, encountering the cave where Firefox and Thunderbird are hiding — only to realize that the "cave" is actually a hidden hangar and the Mozillas' house is a plane, which promptly takes off. During the flight, Firefox discusses the plan to commercialize the Mozilla Foundation with Breezy. They land in Sighting Hill, although the plane, uncontrolled, flies further for the diversion. Widget, reaching the Mozilla HQ before the sisters, convinces Breezy and the others that she's not an Omnisoft insider and is named the Chief Security Something of the newly founded Mozilla Corporation, but is then arrested. Breezy introduces the Mozillas to their new costumes, transformation equipment and alternate identities. Firefox is initially reluctant to quarrel with Omnisoft in any way, including any attempt to rescue Widget, but eventually changes her mind. The sisters set out to find the landing site of the plane, which includes Widget's handheld video camera, before Omnisoft does.
On their way to the landing site through the surrounding forest, Firefox and Thunderbird encounter a small village, Ostanville, hidden in the woods, inhabited by its own community - not very friendly to them or even to each other, for that matter. They rent a house in Ostanville, making it their permanent settlement (for the duration of the series, at least). Widget's court trial begins; using her newfound evidence, Firefox manages to make the court find Widget innocent, despite the obvious pressure from Omnisoft's side. Widget is freed immediately in the courtroom, but is kidnapped by Steve Public while Firefox is distracted.
With the help of Thunderbird, for whom this is the first episode in which she acts as the operator, Firefox makes her way into the Omnisoft division in Sighting Hill. Steve lectures Widget — and Firefox, who's also caught — about Omnisoft's long-term rivalry with the free software movement, and Mozilla in particular. In an Elizabeth-Beckett-style twist, Firefox forces Steve to let Widget go, but is then herself forced to find a way out. Steve reports to the Chairman, who, in his cryptic manner, advises him to "begin work on Eon7", even though, apparently, the company previously decided against that. Mozilla is declared Omnisoft's first class threat.
general notes
Not all about Omnisoft. Not even the majority of them. There are many forces involved: the AOL counterpart, other power-greedy corporations, the U. S. government, the Church of Emacs (and St. Ignucius himself), the OS-Tans, and others. Some of these episodes are serious, while others are just funny and possibly even sitcomish. Details to follow about individual episodes...
After Firefox forgets her transformation bracelet as Story, Vista-chan is inadvertantly transformed into her look-alike. Some corporation finally figures out Firefox's secret identity, but fail to prove it. In fact, they dismiss it after seeing Story and "Firefox" together.
An "origins" episode full of flashbacks. Begins with Firefox's dream in which she, as Firebird, comes to the "spirits" (actually infomorphs) of the ancient Lords of the Web: Violaww, Mosaic, and Spyglass — and is cast away as a "pretender". Most of the episode is about Debian-tan helping Firefox destroy the places with memories of her childhood, while Firefox explains her origins: the story behind Netscape and Mozilla Suite, their simultaneous death, their children's upbringing, and the eventual transformation from the shy and nerdy human, Firebird, to the bold and sometimes impudient kitsunemimi, Firefox. Debian eventually gets annoyed and decides to establish her own crime-fighting team, whose methods would be "more pure and less questionable" than Firefox's.
Firefox (as her alter ego Story Baker) meets the Chairman in his not-so-secret hideout outside Redland, where they sign a truce agreement between Mozilla and Omnisoft. Unfortunately, on her way back, she is inadvertantly crushed to near-death by Captain Obvious. The Mozilla employees decide to freeze her until they have the technology to revive her. Almost immediately, Thunderbird (as her AE) is arrested as the main suspect.

S2[edit | edit source]

Beginning of the "Firefox in the DRM future" story arc, lasting five episodes (S2E1 - S2E5), more details to follow
Firefox returns from the future, helps Thunderbird escape persecution for having allegedly killed Story Baker (albeit at the cost of having Thunderbird dump her own corporate identity as well). Debian shows her ice-clones, and the first Trusted Platform Modules are manufactured.
The Corruptibles are deployed after the Trusted Platform Modules get installed in computers, mobile phones and other devices all over Sighting Hill. The Corruptibles almost catch Firefox and Thunderbird, but the unexpected appearance of a third Mozilla forces them to retreat.
Sunbird explains her origins, is given access to Mozilla Corporation's resources, and explains that the Corruptibles are the first signs of the "approaching darkness".

Characterization[edit | edit source]

It isn't necessarily SCO

  • Firefox: Reckless and clumsy, yet competent - when she casts the distracting factors away. Think Darkwing Duck. And like him, Firefox likes to show off. She is in the whole superhero business not because of the destiny her parents meant for her, but because of the associated "coolness". She even asked Breezy to give her the ability to control the length of her transformation sequence for the purposes of distraction (which eventually resulted in the elongated "null transformation sequence") and has two extensions solely for attaining high ground, creating dramatic wind, and reproducing other tropes commonly associated with magical girls.
  • Thunderbird: restrained, gentle, and relatively rational, often playing the "straight one" while Firefox is acting silly. While she does occasionally work with Firefox as a team (and increasingly more so as the series progresses), she prefers to stay behind as an operator. Hence the headset. She also has the "Strong Bad syndrome", an unhealthy obsession with answering emails out loud, mocking their authors and furiously deleting 90% of them.
  • Sunbird: creepy and serious. Often talks about some mysterious prophecies and destinies that make no sense to anyone but her. She's obsessed with time, wearing perfectly synchronized watches on both wrists. She likes to behave as if she has some higher purpose, even if it isn't necessarily so. She thinks that it's more important to do things in time than to do them properly, and lives by that philosophy.

Unsorted ideas[edit | edit source]

  • SM homages: a brief glimpse of Setsuna's silhouette, along with the staff, during the very briefly shown astronomer discussion about Pluto's status as a planet. Also, Sunbird wields a staff-like weapon bearing some resemblance to the Silence Glaive, and in the same dramatic fashion.
  • Mini-Mo (just a nickname; the closest thing she has to a name is "Zero Four") is a clone of Firebird (Firefox before the genetic messup): only one year old, having the appearance of a seven-year-old girl, but an adult personality.
  • After Firefox's return from the future, Breezy gets detailed instructions on preserving the space-time continuum from his older self, and becomes excessively obsessed with not screwing up.
  • The Mozillas are always referred to as "siblings" instead of "sisters", much to their annoyance

Old stuff[edit | edit source]


  • Mozilla Firefox (AI: Story Baker)
  • Mozilla Thunderbird (AI: ?; by the way, why does she always wear a headset? Need to investigate)
  • Window Gadget (security)
  • Breezy Etch (inventor)
  • The Boss (obscured)
  • Steve Public (developers!)
  • Buzzword Compliant (business-speak)
  • St. Ignucius (Church of Emacs)
  • Captain Obvious (AI: ?)
  • Mozilla Sunbird (s2; AI: ?)
  • "independent" expert (pun needed)
  • OS-tans
    • Dr. Norton
  • Iceweasel
  • Brian Simon Dougle
  • Joe Average


  • Mozilla Foundation/Mozilla Corporation (e1)
  • Omnisoft ELLC (crap, the name's taken... invent something?)
  • LOL, Inc.
  • "independent" expertise (pun needed)
  • WRIA (s2)


  • Calorington (Uncyc ;))
  • One Way
  • Redland
  • Sighting Hill (Mountain View, Vision Hill is taken)
    • possibly also: Lighting Hill, Fighting Hill
  • Plagiarism, Florida (should be cleverer)
  • island?
  • cave?
  • Elven Forest (amalgam)
  • Ostanville
  • Burnt Mozilla HQ (s2)
  • Silicon(e) Valley (if it's silicon, may it be literally so)
    • Redbrook, Sunnyglade


  • Sea Monkey, plane
  • The Firewall
  • FTP
  • Wristbands